Free Microsoft Office 365 for Nonprofits Organizations

Free Microsoft Office 365 For Nonprofits

    We have been providing IT support for Nonprofits for over 17 years.  During this time we have been able to come up with creative ways to help our clients save money.  Many people don’t know but Microsoft gives away free Microsoft Office 365 accounts to nonprofit organizations.  We have been helping some of our nonprofit clients sign up for and migrate to Microsoft Office 365.  And we can help organization with the migration process.  Contact us at 215-701-8152 to get more information on Free Microsoft Office 365 for nonprofits.

See our video reference below from a client (The Lincoln Center for Family and Youth Services) whom has been with us for more than a decade for our IT Support Services for Hotels, Schools, and Nonprofits

Free Office 365 for nonprofits




  • Office 365
  • Online Versions of latest Office Products
  • SPAM filtering
  • Online Backups
  • No Need for SSL Certs or Server Hardware




Contact us at 215-701-8152 Option 2 to find out how you can get your FREE Office 365


24/7 Support via

  • Phone
  • email
  • helpdesk database


Why Choose World Network Systems to help with your Migration to Office 365?

Technology can definitely cause untold stress when it stops working as it should.  While our primary focus is to help our clients minimize computer repairs – we know it is sometimes still required. We have several years of experience working with nonprofits and Microsoft Email programs Such as multiple versions of Outlook and Exchange.   When it has to be done right, on time and on budget, Call World Network Systems.


an Office 365 free consultation

Would you like to speak to one of our Technology service advisers? Just submit your contact details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you prefer that type of communication.
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